Ultimate Hurricanes FC
League Tables can be found here.
Season 2006/07 Date Opposition Result Scorer(s) Att 23/11/2006 BPS Firsts 0-0 1 24/11/2006 Finance 7-0 O'Gorman (2) Medler (2) 0 Stewart Other (2) 28/11/2006 Cheeky Monkeys 2-3 Medler (2) 2 01/12/2006 Shaftesbury 9-0 Fox (6) Medler (2) 0 Marshall 08/12/2006 Team with no Name 1-5 O'Gorman 2 16/01/2007 3 Lions & Irish 4-3 Idle Marshall 2 Medler O'Gorman 02/02/2007 Gatekeepers of the Underworld 0-2 0 13/02/2007 Pro Evolution Soccer 6 1-4 Marshall 1 16/02/2007 Hellenic Football 2-6 Marshall 2 Pegg (p) TBA UBS All-Stars TBA Brunel Arabs 2 Withdrawn
'Storm-Time is coming to you today!'
Any comments/suggestions to: me03nnm@brunel.ac.uk